You’re halfway through the day- you haven’t been in the shower yet? You look in the mirror at 16.00, and from him you look at you tangled goddess with pajamas? It’s okay. You’re beautiful. Both tangled, and with pajamas, and a little smelly. This is sometimes (or most often) a mammoth routine. Because it’s not about herself, it’s about others.
But wake up on this day in a different way and surprise: first of all, yourself, your beans/beans, your beloved husband. So that if you look in the mirror or in your loved ones, you can wink and murmur: Ū-lia-lia!!! (it’s now a favorite phrase of Ainiuk, but it’s still coming down to the most popular – sushi). Shine today so that everyone who hangs their jaws today is a sleammer from the beauty of mom (yes, yours). Or from a different-looking and fragrant mother. And then, gin, half outside to the gosses, gin quarantine is still without end, gin, that in the face of lack of sleep really no one even promises to hide, gin, that crumbs on the ground starve their feet… The main thing is that everyone at home suddenly felt some kind of celebration, felt somehow more special than usual and just played a little with everyday life.
Shine bright like MOM!
p.s. I’ve always been surrounded by Oak’s words – “Mommy, how beautiful you are” or maybe a more admirable, surprised look when I’m in the middle of a simple day 🙂 Or Ainiuko’s researching porous, which is trying to figure out how these mom’s painted eyelashes are going to wander around here.
#shinebrightlikemama #mamayragrazi
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