
The beauty of floating clouds, favorite evening tea, the power for your daughter to wesse digging, walking in the forest listening to bird singing, sea waves spooping barefoot feet, hugging with a beloved, waking spring scent… The list of those little everyday wonders is endless and endless… In conversations with patients affected by oncological diseases, these daily miracles are reflected in the brightest colors in the face of limitations, disability, pain, suffering. Certainly not everyone is impressed. Only those who do not die while still living, who cherish the time they have, who find because they are looking for… In the current restrictions, we are also looking, sometimes we get tired of looking for it, we miss lost things, but we are looking for… Endlessly, patiently and waiting… We’re waiting for that refreshing smell of waking spring to bite your nose…


World Cancer Day.

Today, February 4th is World Day against Cancer. In that word "fight" so much fits. For those who hear the diagnosis of this disease, those who are nearby, those who care and heal. Fighting for life, health, quality of life, looking into the eyes of a loved one for several days or months, opportunities to see your child going to first grade, dreams still have a lot to do, travel, experience, taste life.

It was exactly 10 years in the summer when I stepped into this fight. My struggle for speaking in a difficult time, for openness, for sensitivity, for accepting my own vulnerability, temporaryity, mortality, for support, for allowing myself to feel. All this not only in relation to patients, their relatives, colleagues, but also inside. Because we all sit in the same boat of life – which flies from birth to death.

Sitting by the sea, I wrote the idea for the new magazine Pink Life, which is dedicated to women affected by oncological diseases, their loved ones. I share that article inspired by the sea swell. Maybe he'll "read" and nothing about cancer for people who don't want to hear, maybe some thoughts will stick to everyday life in this pandemic.

p.s. and the magazine itself can still be found in treatment facilities 😉
p.s. for those who want to read in pdf format, post in a personal message, I will send 😉

#onkopsichologija #onkopsichologomintys #psichologija #sveikata #emocijos #onkologija #onkologineliga #vezys #worldcancerday #cancer #psychooncology

Time for two

In the bedroom we have a framed photo on the chest of drawers. Oak at that time another “intervened” among us, the other still growing in the abdomen. But now they both say very clearly, show with a finger, shouts, interfere with the conversations that we have not yet had before, and in the hugs, too, suddenly something appears between the legs.

Looking at that picture, I keep thinking where is our two time? How do we find him? In the evening, when we break up with the kids, someone wakes up in the middle of the night, wakes another one, but the other one doesn’t tear his eyes off or thinks it’s some kind of dream. In the current time, when there is no way to ask for help, that “two” longing is even bigger and more painful.

Then we try to catch the “two” in the smallest moments: look at each other with eye-catching, “what did they think again?!”, hug the stove with the words “how do I love you”, let’s pamper each other with the food we make, make coffee for each other, sometimes what kind of cremiss is slandering dance or the English alphabet singing impatiently… Sometimes, and yes, sometimes when we don’t think about another movie… (but that was a long time ago)… The “two of you” were some day at the beginning of the new year when we sat down and wrote dreams, goals, priorities for this year. Now that billed leaf hangs between the toilet and the dark door of the room. Very clearly visible instead. I think the common goal in this time would be that the “two” metaphorically speaking would not be lowered into a sewer well or closed in a dark room between the grits. For the “two” to get the time to ask for help … and the gaze will loosen, hands capable of hugging without “intervening”.

And what’s your “two” at the moment?

Photo @joanaburn

#šeima #seima #vaikai #motinyste #buitis #mamyste #gyvenimas #emocijos #mintys #laikassau #laikasdviese #tevyste #karantinas #labasrytas

Shine bright like MOM!

You’re halfway through the day- you haven’t been in the shower yet? You look in the mirror at 16.00, and from him you look at you tangled goddess with pajamas? It’s okay. You’re beautiful. Both tangled, and with pajamas, and a little smelly. This is sometimes (or most often) a mammoth routine. Because it’s not about herself, it’s about others.
But wake up on this day in a different way and surprise: first of all, yourself, your beans/beans, your beloved husband. So that if you look in the mirror or in your loved ones, you can wink and murmur: Ū-lia-lia!!! (it’s now a favorite phrase of Ainiuk, but it’s still coming down to the most popular – sushi). Shine today so that everyone who hangs their jaws today is a sleammer from the beauty of mom (yes, yours). Or from a different-looking and fragrant mother. And then, gin, half outside to the gosses, gin quarantine is still without end, gin, that in the face of lack of sleep really no one even promises to hide, gin, that crumbs on the ground starve their feet… The main thing is that everyone at home suddenly felt some kind of celebration, felt somehow more special than usual and just played a little with everyday life.

Shine bright like MOM!

p.s. I’ve always been surrounded by Oak’s words – “Mommy, how beautiful you are” or maybe a more admirable, surprised look when I’m in the middle of a simple day 🙂 Or Ainiuko’s researching porous, which is trying to figure out how these mom’s painted eyelashes are going to wander around here.

#shinebrightlikemama #mamayragrazi
#šeima #seima #vaikai #motinyste #buitis #mamyste #gyvenimas #mamyte #emocijos #mintys #laikassau #tevyste #vaikyste #ziema #žiema #labasrytas #momof2boys

ei, bi, si, di, i, ef, ji

In the evening, when my husband and I lost hope that someone would hear us on the issues of brushing our teeth, dragging our pajamas and going to bed, we just started singing the English alphabet together, lying down on the bed 😂 Kikenom without stopping and feeling that the duo, the team, that we really are not alone, and we are together in this unheard of 🙂 And then, of course, those who didn’t hear joined in to listen to what’s going on here, bi, si, di, i, ef, ji… The most interesting 😂

And a picture of that young man who wants to use a cochrice for the wrong purpose, but it’s really better to sing 😂

#šeima #vaikai #emocijos #jausmai #kartu #atvirai #joinoakcrew #karantinas #abc

One of the most important things I want to teach kids is courage

One of the most important things I want to teach them is courage.

Courage to feel and talk about feelings.
Courage to make mistakes and recognize them.
Courage to be different and unique.
Courage to play life even in the most difficult circumstances.
Courage to want more than you think you can.

#courage #couragetobeyou #feelings #momof2 #momof2boys #motherhood #corevalues #familygoals #lockdown #superheroes #littlesuperhero #familyquarantine #flybabyfly #šeima #mamystė #vaikai #drasa #butisavimi #joinaokcrew


This morning, I received an e-mail announcing that I would go to Japan in the spring to read the report. Virtual 😂😍

And I wondered what’s going on in that word for freedom today.

✅Freece to feel gratitude and respect for those who then, while I was still little, sought those freedoms in a united, courageous and determined manner.

✅Freedom to grow two small people, nurturing in them those values that are important to me – compassion for myself and another, love for family, courage to be yourself, courage to seek what is important, to love not things, but to experience, to see beauty in people, to hear and rely on themselves, to respect stories – to themselves, to be loved, to strangers.

✅Freeto seek and share knowledge, experience.

✅Freedom to believe in what is close, in its own right.

✅Freedom to feel what feels and hide it.

✅Free to travel and get to know the expanses of the outer and inner world.

✅Free to taste the tastes of the world without leaving home.

✅Freedom to raise the slagbaum and let Barbor in with the food he brought, not to wait in line for the only sausage.

✅Free to hug the nearby.

✅Freedent to speak his own language.

✅Freedom to be proud of her country and its people.

✅Freedom not to know, get lost, to make mistakes and try again.

✅Freedom to patiently and courageously protect, rethink, refuse some, create new ones.

In the photo: today’s interpretation of our freedom with children. Small feet let symbolize the move – bold, dashing, colorful, enjoying that move, but at the same time, stop and pause, turn back, look back, how far went, what is learned, what has been learned.

#laisvė #freedom #sausio13 #laisvei30 #lietuva #lithuania #ourfreedom #remember #family #šeima

When are we going on a date?

Action on the site at 1:30 a.m. I listen to the headphones for my PhD study participants interview. Yes, a very "productive" time ☺️ Suddenly a little night is poking out of the darkness.

– Oak, where are you walking? – I'm quietly asking.
– I was looking for you, Mommy… – he replies.

I'm going to bed, I'm lying down next to you.

– Sleep peacefully, I give you a kiss and he closes his eyes.

A few minutes later, he opens his eyes and asks:

– When are we going?
– Where?
– When are we going on a date? – worried about asking.
– The day, baby. Sleep peacefully, I'm giving you a kiss again.

The light of the LED candle shows me how he smiles while he sleeps. Again. Then the voice laughs briefly.

I hope he's dreaming of our date 😉 he's not on the ocean shore… I'm thinking to myself lying next to it: there's a virus around, people are fighting for their lives – their own or a stranger, someone is looking for ways to get ahead in the graft queue, someone from longing rubs scratched boundaries of municipalities or countries, and for me, the most important things happen here at 1.30 am, in that sleeping smile. Which I've been waiting so long… ❤️

p.s. And are you traveling with your toddlers (large or small) to date during quarantine?

p.s. We're going on a date tomorrow pirated 😉

#mamystė #meilė #pasimatymas #pasimatymassumama #vandenynoilgesys #oceanview #datewithyou #date #oakcrew #karantinas #lockdown #lockdown2021 #quarantine #momof2 #motherhood #specialmoments